Friday, March 17, 2017

Baby #3!!

I am so bad at this blogging thing!

So, I'm goingto type the way my keyboard endsup.
No fixing. Justso youcan see what I'm working with here!
Itssovery annoying!

I have not introduced the newst memberofour family!

Miss Desiree Michelle!

She will be 2 in September! Haha!

 I haven't updated in howlong now??

Anyway, lifeiscrazy

3 kids
What was I thinking??

No, itsgreat, andoverwhelming, and amazing.

I love them to pieces.

Have somemorephotos!

Desiree was born September 5th 2015

Jordan was smitten. He still is.

I am one lucky lady!

And now babyspam!!

 That's all folks!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Just some photos!

I need a new keyboard really bad, Just typing this sentence takes far too long.
My space bar isn't working so great!
Anyway, here, have some random photos of our summer so far!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Oh me, oh my! Time sure does fly!

Where have I been? You say. Chasing two toddlers day after day!

Ok I'm done rhyming, ha ha! Seriously though, I have been so busy raising kids, this blog is just not my top priority, which is a shame because I'd really like to get into it more. I love writing and I've forgotten that. I've forgotten many things about myself. All there seems room in my brain for is centered around children. I read so many parenting articles, constantly worrying if I'm doing good enough, it's a little overwhelming. I try so hard to be a good mother, a better one every day. I often forget to be a regular person, a good partner, a good friend. Once the whirlwind of the day settles down I feel as though there isn't much time left for me. Which is taking it's toll. I get grumpy and frustrated easily, I get exhausted, but the kind that sleep wont cure. Only a good dose of mommy time-out will fix! I very much need to take more time to do things I enjoy. So, here I am! Prattling on to you interwebs!

I suppose I should start off with an update. Since the last time I was here was a year ago!

Allorah is two years old! Ahh! I keep asking myself where did my baby go?! She is just so smart! She seems a lot older than two, she is a lot bigger than two, too! She is wearing a 4T and is as big as her almost three year old cousin! She is amazingly sweet as well. So polite, and minds SO well. She is a girly girl, she loves to dress up and wear tutus, her favorite color is pink. She loves to color and watch the movie Frozen. She loves music; singing and dancing. She adores her big brother. Just an absolute blessing to my heart and our lives.

Jordan will be 4 at the end of July! He is so grown up now it makes my heart hurt. He is such a headstrong, courageous, sweet, and funny little man. He loves Thomas the Train, he always has, but its turned into an obsession really ha ha. He can play trains all day long. He loves cars, and dirt, mud, chasing girls around on the playground... Ha. He will be starting preschool this fall, which is... I have no words. I cannot believe it. We registered him earlier this week and it is all so surreal! How do you do it? Just let your baby go and enter the world? I know I'm going to cry. Not even because I will be 9 months pregnant by then either!

This is Jordan in a nut shell.
My silly guy.

Yep, we are going to have another baby! I am 25 weeks along, due September 9th, a week before my 30th birthday! It seems fitting I would squeeze 3 kids into a 5 year time frame. I got pregnant with Jordan not long after I turned 25. This will most likely be the last one. She is kicking right now. Jordan keeps asking if the baby popped out yet ha ha! Allorah lifts my shirt every time I mention the baby in my tummy. Like she will be able to see it. I think they will both do pretty well. After we all settle into a new routine. That is really the hardest part. Jordan is already a fantastic big brother so I expect he will continue to be. I can foresee some jealousy on Allorah's part though. Since we are having another girl!

I am pretty excited, although it really didn't matter to me what the sex of the baby was since I have one of each already. I still love girly things though, so we will have to see if she will be a girly girl too!

Well I suppose that is really all for now. I'll try and think of something creative to post, since yearly updates are kind of lame ha ha!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Allorah's Party (How I Did It - Part 1)

For her party I've really only been two places, oh wait scratch that, three ha ha!
Michael's Arts & Crafts, Party City, and Target.

At Michael's I bought several bunches of fake flowers (which were on sale 50% off), green covered wire; I bought two kinds, the kind in a coil, and a package of 12 or so that were single pieces pre-cut, and some green floral tape. Some bright colored vases (also 50% off), a couple pretty candlesticks (50% off), ribbon, a couple garlands of flowers, a couple of those stretchy crochet headbands and different colors of tulle. It all came to about $60


At Party City I bought decorations; paper lanterns, tissue pom poms, tablecloths, paper plates, iridescent tissue paper, fairy bubbles, clear plastic containers, butterfly fabric confetti, tissue paper, balloons, a butterfly cookie cutter, a piping tip, and cupcake liners. This was my most expensive haul! $100 for everything.

At Target I found fairy wings for a dollar that were way cuter than the ones at the Dollar store, and fairy wands as well. Everything here was a dollar! The crowns were from Joanne's Fabrics. Everything else Target.

Here is a tutu I made adult size, it's not perfect by any means ha ha! (Yes us big girls get tutus too!)

Allorah is getting a rainbow tutu for the party, everyone else is getting solid colors.

Here she is wearing the pink tutu I made for her birthday photoshoot, I made the 1 prop in the back out of cardboard, dollar store pink wrapping paper, and hot glued tulle around the edges.

The flower crown was made with the with materials stated above, the pre-cut size wire was the perfect size for her head.